Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 Krampus, these creatures follow Santa around and kidnap and eat bad children, the people in the costumes go around town with bells and whips, the bells are to strike fear into all who hear, and warn them, the whips well are to whip people, and they actually do whip people, not cruelly but it isn't painless i can tell you that.. it the stated we just get coal from santa if we are bad

 Can I have your number, can i have it

 That fancy house on the left would be the house from "The Sound of Music" and on the right is the castle

 I am 16 going on 17 I need someone older and wiser, i know it's not an original caption, but it's a classic. So this is the gazebo from "The Sound of Music" unfortunately it is locked because an old woman broke her hip while re-enacting the scene.
 Coolest Playgrounds in Salzburg!
 Mr potato torso to you

Wien aka Vienna

 The Hundertwasser house! so this Austrian born architect, Hundertwasser, thought all the buildings in Vienna were too monotonous (you know they were just all so grand, elegant, and symmetrical) and so this was his different contribution, how awesome! also the only straight lines in the whole house are the counters, even the floors are uneven. 

 The ugly duckling in real life!
 Mozart! Who was born is Salzburg, but also lived in Vienna for part of his life, by the way did you know he had a gambling problem. 

 holy beeswax batman we are in vienna

 What you road your bike to work today? how normal, i traveled by chair... my idea is so cool i used a u-lock to ensure no one tries to steal my great new form of transportation
 What better place to see llamas then austria

 Christmas market
 Little kid traditional wear! work that lederhosen kids. 

very antique classy ornaments of course

Sunday, January 22, 2012



the lady bug car
 Julia, Erica's Aunt, and Tess, waiting at the bus stop only to figure out later, the buses were on strike that day
this is one of Sinder Clause's helpers (sinder clause is like Santa Clause but they have both) rushing to sinder clauses side with his handy dandy transportation methods
 did i mention that sinder clause's helpers dress up in black face, yeah its just normal to see a bunch of black-faced blue-eyed helpers around the holidays here
 This is where i bought my raw harring (fish), quite the common snack here
 I ate it the traditional way, also they put raw onions on it too, talk about a recipe for bad breath

 View from Erica's aunt's window of delft at night

 i just blend it so well everywhere i go

 Thanks again to Erica's aunt for a place to stay 
 Mmmmm American Breakfast in Holland
  Why go to pisa? you can see a leaning tower in Delft
 Buy your Tulip bulbs here, did you know Holland exports the majority of the worlds flowers.
 Prettiest Train Station I've Seen 
Interesting way to lock your bike up, not my method but i suppose there is nothing wrong with it