Saturday, September 10, 2011

Venezia!!! aka Venice

 The Symbol of Venezia, in such a great color
 Oh just a worker mopping her store with the water from the canals
 So Pretty
 A couple of nuns roaming the streets, we thought if we followed them we would get to the Basillica San Marco, we were wrong
 Some hot blooded Italian men fighting while their gondolas were occupied

 This Bridge is quite the spot
 St. Marks square! we found it
 The Basillica of San Marco
 More Gondolas
 Some souveneirs
 There are tons of pigeons in Venezia and they are not scared of anyone, they will fly onto you if they think you have food, because so many tourists hold out crumbs or put them on their hats for pictures
 Everything looks like a post card here! such an easy place to take pictures
 Modern day Gondola Man with his tattoos and his cell phone
 PACE! it means peace in italian, this is the italian peace flag (not a gay pride flag, like the rainbow it has would lead you to believe)
The city at night

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